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I had a couple of felt mice, bought in an English toy shop when I was a child.  About 25 years ago, with young children of my own, I took a pattern from those old survivors and began to make my own versions.  Then the mice needed somewhere to live, and the whole thing got out of hand. 


I began photographing Mouseland for children's books in 2013.  I'd previously worked as an artist, showing paintings and sculptures in a gallery.  Building Mouseland is much more engrossing, because I constantly need to problem-solve materials and fabrication methods.  My work day may involve painting, soldering, book design, sculpting,drawing, photo-editing, sewing, photography, pattern drafting, dyeing, or wood working. 


 I have a home studio overflowing with tools and materials - bits of wood, paper and fabric scraps, faux flora, jewelry findings, and miscellaneous salvage. There are finished creatures and props in plexiglas boxes, and sets stacked up on the floor.


I live in a house in the woods in Portland, Oregon, with my husband and dog, and I have two grown sons, who are also artists.



Some links about Mouseland and me: 



"Welcome to Maggie Rudy's Mouseland", Oregon Arts Watch 2022


"Welcome to Mouseland";  a video I made for Wild Arts Festival, 2020


Press Democrat article


Oregonian article



I can be contacted at


 twitter           instagram.

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